RPS 205 School Board
Let’s Put a Teacher on the Board!

Why a Teacher?
Student Achievement and Accountability
The goal of any school district is to educate its children so they can grow up to be productive members of the community. Everything we do should be done through the lens of what’s best for students. Teachers have an inside view of daily student performance. They have a unique and accurate perspective on whether or not district initiatives will actually be effective in promoting student growth and success. A teacher on the school board would be able to understand what teachers are asking for, and be able to head off district policies that, however well intentioned, do not actually help students.
Responsible Allocation of Resources
As a percentage of home value, Rockford, Illinois, has the second highest property tax rate in the entire country! No one wants to have more of their hard-earned money taken from them in taxes. As a resident and tax-payer in this district, I will be your voice to ensure that RPS205 is using funds in a way that maximizes student learning outcomes.
Focus on the Foundation
Our school district is only as strong as its foundation. RPS 205 has focused on their high school students, graduating them while partnering with local businesses and industries so students can better transition into the local workforce. And while I support putting vocational trades and skills back into our high schools, all students should be able to read, write, add and subtract with proficiency. RPS is graduating 74% of its students, but 2 out of 10 in literacy and only 1 out of 10 in math are proficient in those subjects. And the numbers are half that for students taking the SAT and trying to get into college! What’s the worth of a high school diploma if students don’t have the academic skills to back it up? A teacher on the board would prioritize the importance of elementary education for all students, giving them a strong foundation in literacy and math, so by the time they get to high school we’re not just massaging the graduation rate, but graduating students with academic skills to be successful on whichever post high school path they choose.
Communication and Representation
When you elect a school board member, you are also electing your advocate and representative in all local education matters with the state. A teacher on the board would know which policies to advocate for with the state. A teacher would know the difference between niche mandates that have nothing to do with education, and policies that positively impact the academic achievement of all students. Knowing this difference saves tax-payer dollars and puts the power back in the hands of the voters.